Saturday, June 6, 2009

Family Huddle

Hi there -
A couple of nights ago I tried out my first ever "Family Huddle." I've always been resistant to the idea of family "meetings," but throw the word huddle in there and I'm all about it. What is the difference, my husband asks?? Well, huddle rhymes with cuddle, of course! Anyway, we had our first family huddle, and I asked the girls what is important in our family in terms of how we live our lives. Without knowing it, they generated a list of family values. I'm sharing it here for two reasons. First, it's just so darn cute and funny. Second, I realized looking at this list that these are rules you live by in your marathon struggle, Alex. And it is so notable that what is good for you is good for all -- even from a child's perspective. So, a tiny bit of background to give you the full image...Liza is 6, and Tessa is a few weeks shy of 3. This conversation happened around the dinner table, and the meal began with us spotting a bear in our back yard. Seriously. Ok, so here is the list they generated of Our Family Values:
Loving (Liza)
Don't Go Dying (Tessa)
Eat Good Foods (Liza)
Kindness (Liza)
Don't Eat Poisonous Things or Worms (Tessa)
Protect Your Body (Liza)...(Before bears come and eat you - Tessa)
Protect Your Friends and Family (Liza)
Make Good Choices (Liza)...(Like don't grab babies from your friends - Tessa)
Happy Healthy Living!! - Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. Don't eat worms??? I knew a kid at camp, Jim Bixler, who would eat HUGE earthworms for $1.00 a pop. That's a fortune in todays market, if you go backwards that I was age 11 at camp.
    Your kid has a future if she can gag 'em down!
