Friday, June 26, 2009


Have you taken time out to wonder today? To marvel? To let a smile curl up the corners of your mouth? To blink your eyes just to make sure you are seeing clearly? On my 3-mile walk on a misty Friday morning, I chanced upon the above "wonderments". Wow! There were those droplets again, this time a la Tiffany - small liquid diamonds strung on a filament of such charm that I stood for at least 5 minutes as the Beltie in the background chomped the grass in an ecstasy of gluttony. I outright giggled at the thought of Oreo cows as the kids call Aldemere Farms Belted Galoways. Arriving home I heard a squeak to my left and could not figure out from where the sound emanated until, upon closer inspection, I beheld one of my chipmunks hanging out in the downspout. If it rains, which is likely in about an hour, he is going to be VERY surprised! I leave you with the following:
"Look at those cows and remember that the greatest scientists in the world have never discovered how to make grass into milk" - Michael Pupin - Inventor

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