Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hi Alex,

I was doing some of the required reading for the adoption and I came across this quote and it reminded me of you and your latest posts.

"The truth is that progress is usually small and sneaky.  The lie is that only big will do...Big is the magic we look for first, but grace is what makes things work out against all odds.  If it were too big, it might sweep away all the bits of knowledge and insight we're granted as we go along.  If it were too big, it couldn't get through the almost invisible cracks and holes in our walls, in our stone hearts; knowledge comes in tendrils."  - Anne Lamott

The stone heart thing doesn't apply to you - maybe sometimes stubborn heart, but never stone.  Grace, though, grace is what you've got in spades, so you keep going girl!  I'm so happy to hear about the shrinkages and the pleasure and distraction that James and work provide for you.

And, I wanted to comment on the deodorant story - because what would a post from me be without a little gross in it - I too have given up antiperspirant.  I still wear deodorant, just not antiperspirant.  And man, when I noticed how much I sweat there, I was horrified and disgusted.  But I also felt like, oh my, if that much sweat needs to get out, I've got to let it out!  I can't be plugging it up!  How many years of sweat are stuck in there?!?!?  But I must still be eating toxins because sometimes I smell absolutely French.  Anyway, in solidarity, I go antiperspirantless!

The picture I've posted is a repeat to you, but I've decided to make it a mascot of sorts and a reminder of sorts - a symbol of patience and faith.  (Both of which are required in bread-baking.)

Good vibes and lots of love coming your way!

1 comment:

  1. Ann Lamott is a wonderful author and, quite obviously, a wonderful human being - worth reading on a regular basis.
