Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh, you already started...

I mean, you already started making a Lance Armstrong out of me! I started biking regularly in March. I've already gained about 5-6km/h in average speed and I can already cover much more distance before feeling exhausted. Not a great accomplishment compared to marathons and triathlons but, considering my standards, it is a major step. The beauty and the novelty of the land around here contribute to my need of biking. I feel that I want to explore more valleys, more paths, more woods, more lakes, and go farther and farther... and then try and go a little higher and see another view... But mostly, I started this adventure and I am able to be constant because every day I read in this blog about the accomplishments of those who, like Alessandra, keep their minds set on a goal, just go for it, every day, every time, without giving up. So, here I am, following your example, ladies. I don't think I ever did so much physical activity in my life. Be proud, it's your collective doing. You are spreading so much good energy around--and what goes around comes around! Alessandra, I send all the good energy I pick up, and hopefully also contribute to generate, to you. All of it--and a couple of pictures of my 85km bike ride last Saturday.

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