Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Little Drummer Boy.

Dear All,

They say you should march to the beat of your own drum... but in those times when my beat falters and my march loses momentum in this marathon of mine, I am lucky to have my own little drummer boy. His beat is vivacious, gleeful and strong... and so, forward I march! I share this video with a smile on my face.

Hugs to all.


  1. I LOVE the wriggly feet! He may have a distinct future as a one man band. Now give him a horn and bells on his toes and see what happens!

  2. His rhythm is for his dear sweet mamma...He realizes you need his beat.
    Alessandra ,
    I admire your strength ....
    God bless form Pecetto Torinese.
    Un'abbraccio, un'abrazo, beijos, hugs...

  3. His rhythm is for his dear sweet mamma...He realizes you need his beat.
    Alessandra ,
    I admire your strength ....
    God bless form Pecetto Torinese.
    Un'abbraccio, un'abrazo, beijos, hugs...

  4. Such excellent focus! Most impressive and adorable... Did you know that I married a drummer? I didn't either!!! More on that later... Rhythm is a perfect segue as tomorrow we're taking our battle to the woods and fields on horseback (The Generals will be pleased) for the Massachusetts Ride for the Cure. Over 180 horses and riders (that's 720+ hooves clip clopping for a cure). Sending heaps of love and honoring you.

  5. What a wonderful little musician!!! It makes me smile to see James in all his focus and excitement. When I see him I always think that my little Isaiah is probably looking just like James and doing everything James does only in Heaven (since they would've been the same age).
    I've been thinking of you so much and wanting to write but I forgot my password and it's taken me this long to find it. I still don't know how to post a blog so I post a "comment". I hope you get them.
    I went camping with my husband and boys the day after your "terrible" news and I forced myself to stop my own grieving and smile every minute in your honor. I did all the things you could not physically do from your hospital bed in your honor. And I tried my best to enjoy my boys in your honor. God does things in very strange ways that I still don't understand. I think of my babies in heaven and I don't get it. I think of you being too sick to hold James sometimes and I don't get it. But I grab on to every minute I have with my two boys on earth and wait patiently for the day when I can hold my two babies in heaven. I hope you can grab on to every minute you have today and will have for a VERY LONG TIME to come with James. YOU WILL WIN THIS BATTLE! You're my hero.
