Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer is here!

Dear Alessandra,
It is wonderful to read your latest posts, full of determination, wisdom and hope. I was delighted to see the great news about the oral/IV treatment results! Combined with your own indomitable spirit, and the troops you've assembled, this can only lead to a successful recovery.

I've finished teaching for the summer, said goodbye to those graduating (with a few tears - some things never change!), and am about to head for Spain and visits to family and friends. This is probably the most difficult thing about living on the other side of the Atlantic, the distance between my people and myself. Sometimes they drive me crazy, but I know we are always there for each other, no matter how much we argue. I guess this sounds familiar, judging by the input from your own family and friends in this blog!!

Anyway, I will be checking in with you during the summer, not only to see how you are doing, but also to keep my own thoughts centered with what I read here. I don't know what other contributors feel, but I am continuously amazed by the depth of the reflections posted here.

Thank you all for sharing, and most of all to you Alessandra, a remarkable soul. Besos!

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