Monday, June 1, 2009

Live in the Moment - But Keep Your Eye on the Markers

Hello Alex,

I have been grateful for your posts, for your honesty, and for your willingness to let us all be part of this journey. You continue to amaze me. I am grateful everyday for your persistence and determination. I am grateful for the wise and wonderful posts of your family and friends. They inspire me and remind me of all that is good in the world.

I wish for you lots of quiet mornings with James to sit and sing and clap. I hope that in those moments you can let the troops do their thing and enjoy the kisses and cuddles. As James begins to move more freely and those legs start walking - I do recommend that you keep an eye on the markers. I found Grace in my closet just the other day. To my amazement she managed three different colors and a pretty good kitty nose for a mere 30 seconds.

Lisa S

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