Monday, June 8, 2009



I love hearing that your back to work!! Even for a small bit. One step at a time!!

You really do need to get life back to as normal as it can be. I say, you Chiara and I need another visit to Wholefoods for people watching. Maybe we'll see another bull dog at the food court. I still laugh every time I think of that day, and you yelling at Chiara for taking the picture of this "bull dog" when it said no pictures, then the security guard telling us to put the camera away. You were so embarrassed!!

I just loved the movie of James drumming. Boy is he good!! So cute!! Stephen was cracking up and said "what do you expect from two intelligent parents" See that Julian, you do get some credit from him sometimes.

Another baby has joined the clan on Saturday. Charlotte Grace Johnson 6lbs .4 oz. 48 inches, 6/6/09 10:34 A.M. c-section. I saw her today and she's a little peanut. Very cute looks a lot like Jeff. She has the longest fingers I've ever seen. Very mellow personality. Rachel is so calm looks great and is going to be a wonderful Mother. I will send pictures when I get more from Jeff. Took my camera today and no battery. So far the only picture Jeff sent doesn't do her justice.

I'll call you tomorrow!!!Love ya loads and loads and wish you were here.


P.S. don't you love that photo? Were are we???

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