Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dear Panda,

I've been a slow writer again, but I'm as fast in reading your posts and thinking about you as always. I send you my wishes and good vibes every day. Things at work have been a little busier than usual, unexpectedly, since in the summer you would imagine that the pace at work slows down. So I understand your need to work for the sake of what it means to you and not only to taste that normalcy that only slowly and gradually is coming back to you. I also agree that, in perspective, when time and energy are limited, we have to prioritize, and then, yes, health and family come first.

I was very happy to read of the shrinkage... lately I am shifting my visualizations from an aged toothless you--remember, we will be toothless in a picture together again (I'd never dare to imagine you toothless and with lines on your face in your old age without sharing with you the ugliness--and the beauty!--this brings with it. And now that I come to think of it, although Chiara will always be younger and a few steps ahead of us, where is she in all this? Of course with a couple of teeth more than us, but she'll be in the picture too). So, I am gradually shifting my visualizations from an aged you to a younger healthy, happy, and tanned you. Just your old you, as I know you, as I remember you from our vacations in Sardinia (hence the tan, in case you were wondering) and as it is becoming again. Slightly older, of course, and a grown up James on the side.


1 comment:

  1. Giovanna, I am going to look for that photo of you and Danda when I get home in 10 days so that I can post it on the blog! Love, La Zia
