Sunday, May 31, 2009

you are stronger than cancer!


I took a hiatus from the blog as I tended to my own maladies all the while reflecting the new road you are on after hearing Dr. Plowman's honest opinion to how you are doing. But the truth of the matter is-- the opinions of one man do not define you. It is just that, an opinion, and you have your opinion which is accepting of the facts, but determined to rewrite them into your own life's story.

Your desire to overcome life's challenges is so strong, but sometimes it takes time and there are some detours you must take. I, myself, am at a speed bump in the road and am forced to slow down when all I want to do is push forward and that is the most frustrating part of all. I have two weeks until my race. I am feeling anxious about it and to top it off I am suddenly faced with a knee injury and mild form of vertigo due to an imbalance in my inner ear-don't ask...but the body is a fascinating and a very confusing thing. I am sure you can agree! But what am I going to do? Certainly not let it stop me from racing. I will slow down. Stay off my knee. Swim using one leg while pulling harder with my arms to propel me forward. I will seek the help of a physical therapist who will try to speed my recovery. I will do everything I am told to try and re-balance myself in time for the race, but the biggest thing I will do is tell myself that I am strong. I tell myself that I have put the time in and my resolve to finish will get me through because at this point I will not stop until I cross that finish line.

And you?! You will not be told what your outcome is and give in to it unless the outcome is favorable and means you will be with us for many years to come. You are our General Grant! I think Joe's ode to Grant was right on-it is those who keep fighting who prevail. You WILL prevail. When others give in, you keep going. When others doubt, you find reason to believe. You have built this life for yourself and it was not easy. There was not a moment that you did not overcome some struggle to get where you are. But you arrived and you will keep building that life because there are so many parts of your life still to be built. And each one of us stands at your side to remind you that you are stronger than any disease that has no voice and no friends--you will push on until it has to retreat because it can't win. You are stronger than this disease. It has nothing in its favor, but time. And Danda, we have time. We have all the time it takes to wear it down until it ceases to exist. It may be long, it may be strenuous, it may be intimidating, but it is doable because anything you put your mind to in this world is doable. I'll see you at the finish! I love you and believe you are the strongest person I know!

Love, Lex

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