Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July - Nantucket Style

Dearest Danda - This one's for you... a happy, happy moment that will lift even the most flagging spirit! It was a red, white and blue weekend! The video is self-explanatory and no roman candle could have generated more delight in everyone's eye The sparklers stayed in their boxes. Who needed sparklers? They were highly visible on the ring finger of Lexie's left hand. So here they are - the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Madison of Sausalito, CA! When the final step in the saga takes place is up to them. A Caribbean wedding? Nantucket? Napa/Sonoma? What date? As Uncle Geoffrey says, most sagely, "It will all become clear". Meanwhile, the mother and father of the bride are saving coupons and eating leftovers in anticipation of the upcoming festivities.


  1. Oh Alexis, I am so happy for you. Congratulations!


  2. Happy Happy News :) Congratulations to the mother and father of the bride!!!! Big Hugs,
