Monday, July 27, 2009


Somewhere on a turquoise sea, white-capped, your namesake sails along under sunny skies. She has made her way down the Bahamian/Exuma chain to Georgetown, Great Exuma and beyond. Over the last week she has dropped anchor at Little Whale Cay (check it out on line!), Warderick Wells Cay, Shroud Island and a host of other sandy exotics. On Staniel Cay, the ship's complement dove into the cave that was the scene in a James Bond movie. I suspect the male contingent thought of themselves as adventurers equal to Ian Fleming's hero (in their dreams!) When under sail, they used the automatic pilot as they performed various tasks and tweaks to make the boat better/easier/more streamlined. All aboard have salt water in their veins with the exception of Jessica who is the quickest study I have ever met. From Sandusky, Ohio to the high seas is a remarkable journey. Her pluck is laudable! The ALESSANDRA is now on her way to Turks and Caicos to pick up two more crew for the final push to St. Thomas. ETA is on or about August 7th. We scrutinize the Atlantic looking for anything that resembles a possible storm. Finding a clear window of opportunity is paramount as there is no good place to head for cover when making the run from Grand Turk to St. Thomas. I wish we had a good picture of your namesake but internet is not available on this particular "mega yacht". I will keep you posted as I hear something from the your namesake. Safe passage.

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