Monday, July 13, 2009


Dear All,

Just back from the hospital, having had my mid-cycle chemo. Bloodwork came back okay, although it is predicted that I will need six immune boosting shots next week, to keep the levels up. I sat there with my book, being hooked up to the usual IV pole, and admittedly was feeling a bit agitated, needing to work that extra bit harder to keep negative thoughts at bay. One of those mornings requiring some extra deep breaths... but then life reminded me to be thankful for all the good, as a man came into the Chemo Day Unit and sat on the bed next to mine, sharing with the nurse that he had had a shitty morning - his brain tumour was causing him to have mini siezures... and in that moment, I felt grateful for my own situation. It's all relative, isn't it?

I had a good weekend, where I immersed myself in James. We cuddled so much, we played for hours, and we marched, marched, marched! I attach photos taken of him in Kensington Gardens (where he adored the swans and ducks) and of him hanging out at home Sunday morning. He has also been babbling up a storm... his new sound is "Cack!"... we have been trying to gauge where the hell that comes from... is he trying to say "Duck"? "Quack"? Or could it be the charming beginnings of "Caca"?!!?... He says it with such intent and gusto - "Cack! Cack! Cack!" He has made me laugh out loud and smile from ear to ear.
I must go and lie down, as I let today's chemo do its thing. Hugs to all.


  1. Show him a duck and see if he goes "cack". I woulnd't show him the poop. He might think it is finger paint.

  2. He's sooo cute! What's he doing in the last photo? The tongue in his lips and the finger on the palm of the other hand make him look as if he was very concentrated in a very difficult calculation. Really cute!
