Thursday, July 23, 2009

have the wish, I wish tonight

Katherine, I loved your lullaby. Danda, I think the picture of you and James is the most tender and beautiful image I have ever seen.

Speaking of verses....

Star light, star bright
The first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might
have the wish, I wish tonight.

I remember how I use to kneel beside my bed as a very young child and since I was not well-versed in religious prayer, this was my version that I would say before I crawled in under the covers. The wishes would go on and on...wishing Gran would live until she was a million years old, that our family would be happy, that I would win my horse riding competition. You name it, I thought it and wished it.

More recently I've been wishing upon an eyelash every night when Jeff would pluck one from my cheek before bed. That wish was simple. I wanted him to marry me. That wish is coming true.

Tonight, before bed, I will look up to the heavens for the brightest star in the sky and have only one wish. It is sacred. I cannot tell it or it won't come true. But it will be out there in the universe being worked on for tomorrow!

Danda, your courage is palpable. You are my Lance. Driven and determined. With Julian at your side you will conquer this thing!

All my warmest wishes.

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