Thursday, July 2, 2009

sing on, sing on!


I smiled as I read your post. I only caught on to the reputations of great half way through because I kept envisioning each great moment and thinking to myself how great each little story in your day was. Then I realized you were calling out how important each moment is in one's day. No matter how small we should look inward and find the "great" in each thing we do because as you alluded to life is precious and we can make our days what we want even if we feel we don't have total control. I think it is something to strive for in life, to ensure that no matter the 10 hours we spend at work a day that there is something in it for us each day...something great!

I kept waiting for your "but". For your "then, things weren't so great". But it never came. You managed happiness despite the disease, its side effects and doubt in your mind. Those are not "buts" those are acknowledgements of your current health and that is what makes you special and a fighter that we can all get behind. Danda, your strides in self-awareness are huge, your voice is that of woman three times your age. Sage and patient. You are my role model of how to live life full and well. I look up to you to see how I can live better, thank you. You are making a difference in all of our lives. I know you will beat this thing with your attitude, your body just needs to play catch are way ahead of it!

This morning I woke at 6am to get an early start on the day. Jeff and I leave for Nantucket tonight for the weekend and I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get myself together so I could leave home feeling everything had been put to bed and I was not forgetting anything.

I showered and then promptly went to the garden we planted this weekend with new blooms to give them their morning shower knowing they would go without for a few days. Jeff, miraculously also woke early probably to take advantage of the extra time to get himself ready to leave as well. The time we spent together this morning was great. It was not us sitting side by side, but it was taking the time in the morning to co-exist before going our separate ways. We made breakfast independently by exchanged words as he went in one room and I in the next as we buzzed around. He walked down to the store to get milk for coffee and I moved the hose from plant to plant. My time with the plants was great. My time with Jeff was great. I left the house calmly with a smile on my face which was great. I appreciated my day and what it offered me so I can completely hear where you are coming from. Fireworks do not make for happiness; sparklers held tight in one's hand are much more satisfying! Happy 4th of July!

By the way I am beginning to believe that shake of carrot, apple, mint and lime fresh juice does sound great! I will have to try one. My next post I will ellaborate on all that I have heard recently about you are what you eat. Danda, keep eating well, it has a profound effect on your health! Great work Chiara and Anthony! Keep the organics coming!

All my love and support,


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