Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hooray for Love!

Dear All,

Hooray for love!!!! I am sitting here grinning at the thought of your engagement Alexis - such wonderfully happy news, and the little video Lisa posted just exudes joy. I am so thrilled for you. So, so, so thrilled. And I can't wait to meet Jeff!! I wish I was there to give you the biggest of hugs. Hooray for love!

I got through a full day at the hospital getting my triple chemos yesterday, and have to say that, physically, I am feeling okay today. Tired, a little queasy, but otherwise fine. It will be a few days before I can guage whether the sore feet/hand and ulcers are going to emerge again, and I am hoping that this time around, the whole ordeal will be tapered. Emotionally, I have been tearful - one of those days where I feel the weight of it all and have had a little pity party, and then realise that I am the only one in attendance and so snap out of it Danda. So I think of friends and family, and all the love in my life... now that's a party worth going to. And my spirits lift, I refocus, I take those deep breaths, I keep aiming for the goal, and I tell myself that I can do it as I am not in this alone... Hooray for love!

In just a matter of days, James has become the Energiser bunny with an extra battery attached to his butt... Sitting down is no longer entertaining, when you have learned to propel yourself forward at increasing speed and momentum. He gets such a kick out of being mobile, and insists on marching on and on and on, in endless laps of our apartment and the nearby park! He never fails to make my day, to make me laugh, to make me feel good about so much, and to make me appreciate how wonderful it is to be a mother. Hooray for love!

Hugs to all.

1 comment:

  1. A:

    Thinking of you, especially now that summer is in full swing. Longer days here in Portland remind me of longer days in Kildare and that most memorable summer at Barretsown with the crew. Nicola and I are expecting our first in a just a few weeks, and reading about little James is a fun way to preview what lies ahead.

    Take care,
