Friday, July 24, 2009

Good News!

Dear All,

The shortest of notes as I am exhausted, physically and emotionally, after the rollercoaster ride of today. But I wanted to let you all know that I received wonderfully good news this afternoon! I will write at greater length about it tomorrow, but the core of it is that EVERYTHING has responded very well to this new chemo regimen, with the remission being described as "marked improvement". The cancer is still there, but it is retreating, it is weakening, it is losing its ammunition.... I am over the moon. The afternoon's events still have to sink in. I am happily drained, if that makes sense. I came home to James smiling and blowing me kisses, as if he somehow knew the good news already.

So, I am falling into bed, so relieved, and ready to keep up the momentum of this fight, as the next round of chemo starts Monday all over again. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all your love and hugs and support and cheers and wishes and prayers which I felt both protect me and carry me through this day, not to mention this journey as a whole. Goodnight and I'll post again tomorrow!


  1. BIG, HUGE, HAPPY HOOOOOOORAY! I have been checking all day. I am so happy to read the good news! You are awesome! I love you! Sleep well! xoxoxoj

  2. I too have been checking all day and your reading your post was more than worth the wait. I love you my friend and am so happy with the news! What a great way to start the weekend! Do something good for yourself this weekend before you next round on Monday. You certainly deserve it, you have been fighting so hard - and winning at that! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What can I add?? I am so happy for you so happy woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo you are getting these f"&$&" and you are doing this you are doing it love to you
