Sunday, July 19, 2009


Dearest Alessandra - I give you ALESSANDRA leaving the dock on the Intercoastal Waterway in Ft. Lauderdale. From here she proceeded down-river to the meet the great Atlantic. As you can see, her bow seems to sense the huge expanse ahead. She looks a bit timid as if she had been away from the ocean's freedom for so long that she had forgotten the rhythm of wind and wave. I can assure you that this temerity was short lived. From Lauderdale to Bimini was the first night's adventure. Glassy seas, I gather, so she had time to "get her feet wet". From Bimini to Gun and Cat Cay where the water was so clear at night you could see the sea floor illuminated by the lights on the spreaders. "Magical", said Chris in a rare demonstrative expression of awe and elation. It must have been, or I would have heard "cool" or "really sick, man". Then on to Nassau to pick up Jessica, bringing the crew to full complement. Today, they sail southward down the Exuma Cays, a long line of atolls - flat, sandy pancakes in the middle of azure seas. Cell phone reception is spotty at best so the technical marvels of i-phone photography cannot bring us instant gratification in pictures. I presume we will have to wait until Turks and Caicos for further word.
Meanwhile ALESSANDRA is where she belongs, riding the high and free as a bird! God Bless her, and all who sail on her.

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