Saturday, July 11, 2009


Dear Danda - Saturday afternoon in Lincolnville Center, and it's STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL time! This, the 15th year of existence, proved to be the best yet. It is a simple celebration of bounty -strawberry shortcake, strawberry pie, strawberry preserves, strawberry this and strawberry that, plus kids blowing bubbles, face painting, hot dogs with homemade relish, crafts, white elephant sale and a concert by the mighty Lincolnville Band, some 30 strong. There is a parade with old cars, kids on their bikes all fancied up with crepe paper, the firetruck, and assorted other conveyances. People drift around, neighbor greets neighbor and people "from away" must wonder what planet they are on. When the band has blown its last tuba note, the Breezemere Bottom Boys take to the shade of a tree and sing old county tunes. The crowd hums along. Even the bumble bees on a nearby flower know the harmony. In his debut, Caleb, the cutest kid in Lincolnville, fiddled his way through some "comfort tunes". No concert was ever better. Simple pleasures. No mics. No stage. No amplification. Just a sunny summer moment at the old white clapboard church in rural Maine. Ayah, sure is right peaceful.

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