Monday, July 20, 2009

Send to Taiwan

Hi Alex,

Summer has proven far busier than I expected.  I still measure the years by “end of school” and “back to school”, so I always expect that in summer there will be nothing to do, alas, ‘tis not true!

In any case, I think about you every day.  I really wish that I lived down the street, so I could pop in with some groceries or a freshly baked loaf of bread.  Then we could have a chat over some green tea.  My latest favorite is a peach infused decaffeinated green tea.   But since I’m an ocean away and in the meantime, I’ll catch you up here.  By the way, while I write this I am drinking some of that tea.  Ian and I had our second home study meeting for the adoption.  (There are two group meetings and two private meetings – one at the agency and one at our home.)  I was so anxious about the private meeting.  I could barely speak and when I did, I didn’t make much sense.  You know when someone says, “Hello!’ and you say, “Good!”?  It was one of those.  I’m always thinking that they’re going to ask really personal questions and then respond in doubt with “Really?  Oh really?  Is that your final answer?” to our answers.  So I spent most of the meeting wondering why the social worker was talking so much and when was she going to get around to asking us about us.  It’s a complicated relationship, while I fear it, I’m also waiting to talk rather than listening.  Well, she never asked those personal questions.  She was basically just describing different birth mother scenarios, so we’d know what to expect – I figured this out about an hour into the meeting at which point I relaxed.  Ah, anticipation.  Anticipation is my enemy.  The next meeting is in September, so we have a little while, but it’s feeling like forever.  I’m often telling virtual strangers about our adoption plans.  Not like walking up to people and introducing myself and telling them, but when I’m working my shift at the Food Coop or at the Garden.  I’m surprised by some of the adoptism that is out there.  Someone always knows someone who adopted – usually from Russia – and the kid was a mess, killing puppies and kittens and hurting other children…so they had to send him back or their life has never been the same.  While I don’t think that they are lying, why do people say such things?  No one ever says to a pregnant woman, “Oh, I once knew a pregnant woman who gave birth and her son grew up to be Jeffrey Dahmer!”  Anyway, I guess I should get used to it.  People don’t always say exactly what we want them to, but that doesn’t mean we have to listen.

This weekend we head up to Maine for a week.  We’ve rented a house in Acadia, in Southwest Harbor.  It’s one of my favorite places in the world – of the places I’ve been.  I’m excited for the hikes, carriage roads and the fresh produce and a little taste of country living.  It’s one of the places you and I have in common, besides Cooperstown and the USVI.  One of my other favorite places in the world – ALEXIS -- is Hawksnest Beach at Caneel Bay.  Ian and I honeymooned there.  You can’t beat those beaches!  Congratulations and good luck with the planning and know that you really can’t go wrong with either of those options! 

Well I’ve gone on for a long time here.  Good luck this week.  I’m sending you strong, positive vibes.  And here’s another little mascot for you – your favorite feline friend, Mitsu!  Remember how much you loved petting her and letting her crawl on your head!  I don’t know if you can see it, but it appears that she is headed to Taiwan.  Please send my love to Julian.


PS.  I wrote this before you posted – so I just wanted to add that you look beautiful and James is beautiful and I love all of the photos.  I love how serious James looks before he is asked to “push” and then the glee that follows!  Hang in there, sweetie.  We are all pulling for you and sending lots and lots of health and love vibes.




  1. Jess - If you need to make a pit stop en route to Acadia, just stop by Lincolnville -783 Beach Road. We are 4.3 miles inland from Route 1. Beach Road is Route 173. Lisa C

  2. We're flying into Bangor, but maybe we need to come to Lincolnville for a charades rematch!! xoj
