Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Better late than never, I hope.

Dear Danda,

Lisa sent me in invitation to join this blog months ago, but I ran into multiple problems trying to join and told myself I would figure it out later. That "later" turned out to be two days ago and still I ran into problems. I emailed Alexis who immediately responded, and finally after several tries, I think I have made it to the blog. Naturally, I had to read all the blogs before I posted one, and the first was yours with the superlative news about your last report, That is the best news of all. I am so happy for you and although I always knew you were too wonderful and beautiful a person to not beat this thing, it was a great relief to read your positive report. I will now be a frequent member of your blog, and expect the reports to only get better and better.

One thing your blog has done for me is to catch me up with one of the families I love more than any on this planet. Alex's news of an engagement and wedding to be, the frequent post's by Lisa (LSC) filled with her usual extraordinary humor and upbeat comments, Alexis's beautiful, thoughtful and abundant postings, the fun news about Yacht Alessandra and Chris's bringing her to St. T, pictures of you and your beautiful James (is there one of Julian I missed), and so much more that made me realize why I love you all so damn much, as if I really needed any more reasons.

Keep those great reports coming! I hope to have something more intelligent to say next time.



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