Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Still Smiling

Hello Alex,

I have returned to your last post again and again. I am still smiling! You have waited for many test results in your life, but I have no doubt that these results were by far better than all those that came before! I also have no doubt that you have never worked harder in your life.

Tonight, we set up a tea party in your honor to celebrate the progress and to acknowledge the journey. Olivia and Grace poured the tea (water with lemon) and made the blueberry and pineapple cakes (you never know what 2 year olds will come up with). We did our toast and sent a big hug your way! I guess it is time to start introducing the spinach, garlic, apple, pepper, broccoli drink, but for tonight we went with the cake! Cheers my friend..

Lots of Love

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