Sunday, July 19, 2009

holding hands

Dear Danda,

An eventful week! Alessandra sets sail and I feel that I too have caught the winds of freedom in deciding that Jeff and I plan to be married in "the islands" in May. It took a dinner with my good friends, Vicky and Brett, stopping through town on their way back to Shanghai to make me realize that despite my desire to marry in a field or under an oak tree or in the dunes on Nantucket, that the USVI is home and there is something about going to be married that is my calling. If these friends say they will make the trip from China then I fully believe that others will make the trip as well!

Now on the the next stages, Caneel Bay or home? Both hold quite different possibilities so I will spend the week at work distracted by the options. I think Mom has caught on to my desire or a Caribbean wedding with an east coast sensibility. Think turquoise and kelly green.

I hope that you spent a nice weekend welcoming your mom back into town or spending time with Julian and James in the park. I know this week will be a long one as you prepare for your scan, but I am wishing you peace of mind and a clear head with positive thoughts that your healthful diet along with your enduring your treatments will yield positive results. Sending positive vibes your way! Have white blood cell counts returned to normal and is your body feeling stronger? Your troops are all behind you sending well wishes and holding hands with you in the middle trying to keep you safe and protected. A nice image when you think of us all around the world holdings hands.

Much Love,

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