Saturday, July 18, 2009

time is Saturday the 18th. It looks like there haven't been any posts in about 5 days. Is time moving fast for all of us, or has something gone awry in my blog access? I realize now how accustomed I have become to regular additions and updates. And yet, I don't really have anything new, either. It has been a ridiculously rainy summer so far. Between the weather and the effort to get settled into the new house, there have been very few days that have felt like summer. On the house front, the unpacking continues. I finally found my shoes. We have emptied the hot tub and will try refilling it and sanitizing it ourselves with a non-chlorine system, and we'll keep our fingers crossed that Liza's hair won't get any greener (it is still tinted green, and Tessa still has "splotchies" -- my my). I caved to my husband's dream of a flat screen TV, but kept it to 32 inches. We have realized the broiler doesn't work. Etc, etc, etc. The biggest change is getting used to neighborhood living. We had 7 kids at our place yesterday afternoon! And two of the neighbor kids were at our door this morning before I was even out of my nightgown. And Liza is so independent, spending more time with friends than she is at home, all of a sudden. I am noticing new stages of letting go (for me, that is!), new kinds of limits to determine (like, no, i don't think it is okay for the two 6 year olds to play in my house when all the adults are two doors down). And then I have to challenge myself to figure out which new limits to immediately start letting go of (like, "It's 5:00, time for the neighbors to go home so we can have some family time." But 5 minutes later, the 6 year old is plopped in front of the TV while I make, 5 minutes ago she was engaged in creative play with a friend, and now she is watching TV while I cook in the name of "family time."...hmmm...I either need to relinquish that new rule, or find some new creative ways to engage my kids in helping me make dinner. Change, reassess, change, reassess). I'm not particularly coherent -- time to sleep. But that is my update -- chaotic grammar and all!! I hope your week went fast through the crappy parts and slow through the wonderful parts. Thinking of you. Love - Lindsay

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