Monday, July 13, 2009



You are a strong woman if you can find the silver lining while being hooked up to an iv. Not an easy thing to control the negative thoughts. I saw an interesting thing on the tv the other day. A woman who had been through a brutal car accident and was not in good shape was asked how she she stays so positive despite her circumstances. She said that she allows herself to cry for five minutes every day. But after that there is no more crying. I thought that wonderful, to give oneself permission to be sad or mad, but then to move on. Who knows, some days with permission granted, you may find yourself not needing to acknowledge your sadness and that day and what a wonderful day that is!

Your little James is something else. If he is not the cutest little boy on the block I don't know who is. In his blue and white stripe shirts and pajamas! I love his fashion sense- tres francais! all the way! I love my striped shirts like his, Jeff always laughs when I put them on. He says, "you, sailor, you." and giggles because he knows how much I love to wear my stripes and pretend I am in some French costal town about to walk to the corner boulangerie for my daily baguette! We can hope can't we!

I am so glad you had a wonderful day with James and that you were able to wander out to the park with him to see the world through his eyes and sighs-Cack!

I also see signs of your hair growing back. How exciting for you. Chiara said you looked like a sexy Sinead O'Conner. I take that as a compliment because I always thought she was striking and with your big brown eyes I can imagine you are looking striking yourself!

I have been watching the Tour de France. Simply amazing as always-they are about to head out of the Pyrenees. You should tune in if you get the channel. Your man Lance would make you proud! LIVE STRONG!

All my love,

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