Monday, July 20, 2009

No flogging

Hey, Shweetie -
I know it's important to pull yourself throug the hard, sad, scared, emotional, drained times and find your fight, find your hope, find your sense of wonder and your moments of joy. I know. And you are amazing at it, and you are reaping the health benefits of all your positivity. But I find myself wanting to lighten your self judgment about those hard times a bit. It's not really a pity party to feel everything you need to feel, my friend, even the painful parts. Of course you have bad days, bad weeks, bad months. Of course you feel weepy, sad, scared, frustrated, angry, full of longing and ripe with agitation. Of course. It's okay to feel all of that. I don't mean to quiet your fight at ALL...but I find myself wanting to take the switch out of your hand. No flogging yourself for your feelings.

I also want to say that I can SO relate to how hard it is to leave your house, your safety, your routine, your food, your bed, and head out on an adventure. I remember hitting the point of wanting t be able to travel for a weekend with Chris when I was really sick with my initial Crohn's outbreak. It felt really hard and really scary. I remember that we chose our B&B based on which one would put a little fridge in the room for us so I could bring my own rice milk and other safety foods. We kept expectations down, and it felt GREAT to be out, to lay eyes on new sites, to do a wee bit of yoga on the was worth it.

I will be sending powerful mega vibes all week in anticipation of your appointments at the end of the week. Lots of l0ve - Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that I am in agreeance with Lindsay. No flogging, Alex! Girl needs to get it out - push it out into the universe, so you can feel a little lighter. I love you!
