Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You Rock!!

Hello My Friend,
Absolutely the best news in the whole wide world!!! Gotta say better than the Red Sox news! We were ahead of New York last week by 2 games and are now behind them by three games. (just thought you'd want to hear that)
You are missing all the bleepety bleeps from Stephen! I think I just made that word up.
Anyway back to the best news in the whole wide world!!! I knew you'd get here and I know you'll keep going on the right path and be putting this behind you sooner than you think. You Are A Rock Star!!! Gosh, it's hard to find what to say. I hope your feeling well after Monday's round and keep feeling better and better. I can't wait to see you and meet James. It's always great chatting with Julian on instant messenger, we laugh about the dumbest things! he makes my day!!
Not much going on here the usual crap and to top it off crappy weather for a New England Summer. Your not missing a thing!
That's all I have to say, I'm sending you all my love and all the love from the whole gang along with all the prayers in the whole wide world!! I have no Idea why I keep saying that but I like it.
Love you to death (as Stephen says) talk to you soon!!!
Your person Eve!!!

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