Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm ready for the close up....

Dear All,

Home from the scans, which I refer to as my private photography sessions. The CT scan was first, and while last time I cried my way through it, this time I lay there and visualised like hell. The visualisation? Lance Armstrong was on his bike, pedaling away with strength and momentum (I have been following the Tour, and yes Alexis, it was amazing to see him take off from the group in a whirlwind of beautiful energy and determination yesterday...), and I was running alongside him, pounding the pavement in big strides. We shared this steady pace, and he kept shouting across to me, "You can do it, Priorelli! Come on!"... and so I ran, and ran, and ran, and ran... and as the technician told me over the microphone "Please hold your breath" while the machine took its pictures, Lance told me even louder, "Well done, Priorelli, you show them! You're ready for the close up", and we high fived, and I kept running, as he kept cycling next to me. Then it was over, and I left Radiology and headed off to the Nuclear Medicine department ("nuclear" medicine sounds so damn ominous doesn't it?!), was injected with radioactive contrast, and a couple of hours later, there I was lying on a conveyor belt for my one hour bone scan. And I visualised all over again: Lance was there, telling me to keep going as this was simply just another climb, you all were there in my different scenarios of being with friends and family, James was giggling... Julian stayed with me throughout the morning, giving me kisses and "I love you's" as much as he could, to the point that the female technician said with a grin, "The next kiss is for me, sir!"

So, now, the wait until tomorrow's meeting with Dr. Plowman. Just another step in the journey, I tell myself. And yes, Katherine, I do have angels a-plenty (I LOVED that lullaby!) - I feel them and I am the luckiest person in the world for that. :-) Hugs to all.

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