Friday, July 31, 2009


Wow Danda!  The fight continues but a huuuuge milestone has been achieved!!!!  I´m sooooooo happy and Mum had tears in her eyes as she listened to your good news!!!!  I´ve been traveling a lot lately so a bit out of touch, so sorry if I haven´t written.  I did think of you so much when in San Sebastian at the end of June, and as I sat quietly contemplating the sea, perched on a beautiful hill surrounded by pure nature, I took these pictures for you.  Hope you like them (I know Vicky will! :))  Anyhow, as I told your Mum....I´m coming to!!!  I hope I can come visit again and see your beautiful smile and how big James has become!  Plus tell your Mum she can book her personalized massage...oil and all!

Bacioni querida!!!!  E ancora, bravissima!!!

Love, Sally

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