Sunday, February 22, 2009

Being Human

Alex - As much as I love hearing your strength and courage and tenacity, I also appreicate hearing about your human moments. Because I have them, too. I'm sure that everyone who is connected on this blog, everyone who loves you so, has those human moments. That is part of what draws us so close and creates the power of this forum. My latest human moment overtook me while snowshoeing. I found myself thinking of you and couldn't stop crying, and finally just cried on my knees in the snow in the woods. It was crushing and relieving and I miss you. I'm glad to hear your humam moments are getting to flow, too. I'm watching the Oscars right now, and so wish you were next to me. I have never watched an awards show with a more appreciative audience than you! Although I have to say, there has been nobody, quite literally, who is more beautiful, elegant, and inspring than you. Love, as always, from Vermont (where we are getting snow at a rate of 1-3 inches per hour, and have been all day) -- Lindsay
ps - Chris and I went to a movie last night...first time in I don't even remember how long...and saw Slum Dog Millionaire (they are cleaning up at the Oscars, so far). I love picturing you watcing the same film, and I wish we could debrief over a cup of really hot tea -- just the way you like it!

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