Friday, February 6, 2009

SNOW - sort of

TGIF! In an email from Alexis, she announces that she and Jeff are headed for Tahoe and tons of snow! Not to be outdone, I hasten to send you OUR version of snow on the mountain which is not too shabby this year. The sun is shining too. Not that it won't be in Tahoe for that area is one of the prettiest places on the planet. Really quite breath-taking. No doubt you will be inundated next week with shots of snowshoeing which is Alexis's latest idea of exercise. Mush on! I am sure you are counting the hours 'til Babbo arrives. Does he speak English or Italian to James? Does Julian teach him Spanish? I just want ot make sure that he has the same curious lexicon that you and Chiara absorbed in your formative years. How many people can swear in English, Italian, Spanish, Danish, French and Portugese? Only you two and the translators at the UN! SSSOOOO glad to hear that Round 3 is a slam-dunk. Keep the faith! Huge hugs from the mountaintop in the Caribbean!

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