Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Endings!!

Hi danda and everyone else!

Well, it is funny that I am the one that is supposedly the resident expert on the blog because it seems I too am learning new things about it all the time. Apparently some of you clued into the fact that you could just comment on a posting because you many of you already have. So for those who have not seen this option or clicked on the "comments" link at the end of each posting you should. Under each posting you can see the number of comments that have been written about a particular post or you can comment yourself.

What is more amusing is that in reading back through all of the comments I came upon one written by Joanne. She began her comment with a quote that really resonated with me and I thought to myself, those are words worth living by. The quote read, "And if our bodies can't take us there, our minds can do the peddling for us if you exercise that muscle." Then I continued to read the rest of Joanne's comment on the quote and low and behold learned that I had written those words in a post of mine! Not to flatter myself, but what the hell, what brilliant words they are!!

Danda, it seems that you ARE exercising that muscle, visualizing the conquering of cancer in your own body! YOU are taking control, but in a good way this time. You are taking control of your destiny as best you can by thinking positively about the outcome-this has a strong impact on fighting this disease. This is how miracles happen by you willing the cancer away-have faith! We do! And are fighting right along side you, happy endings and all!...Chiara-I love you!

Oh, and just so you know we are sympathiazing with your plight your description of the chemo was powerful. To smell and taste the chemo-that is awful. You and Peanut are really having a rough go of it! I want to tell you smother yourself in lavender moisturizing cream and suck on lemon drops to make it all go away, but somehow I think that will only partially mask your experience, but maybe it is worth a try. I just want you to know I sympathize with you-this is not an easy cure.

Big hugs of warmth,

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