Thursday, February 5, 2009


Boy, you think you've had a week? Jeez, you don't want to hear what happened to me. Professional Killer, our pest control people came and took a termite nest out of a tree on our property. They then proceeded to spray all around the tree in a very LARGE circle. I ate some grass and all of a sudden felt really whoozy and I came inside and had a seizure right in front of the Missus. By, did she freak out! I don't really remember much but I was rushed to the vet who kept me overnight. I wasn't really overjoyed being caged. I am home now and resting. The only side effect is that the area around my mouth and nose has turned pink. I look like an albino terrier. Cashew has no sympathy, but my owners are letting me sleep on the chair in the living room. I SHOULD HOPE SO! They damn near killed me. I guess this is to say that I sympathize with what you are going through. Stay away from pesticides and don't eat any grass. Hugs and kisses. Peanut

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