Monday, February 23, 2009

You are my sunshine part II

Alessandra- may I first say I have never seen you look so beautiful! You look like an Italian beauty with your colorful scarf wrapped 'round your head, sophisticated black turtleneck and single bangle as if to say I do not need more than this to make a statement. You are a beautiful woman.

I am so glad to hear that you were able to get out on a play date and see James interact with the other wee ones. I know that must be a very satisfying part of motherhood to witness your child interacting with the world around them. And of course, his little friends are international just like you! and that will serve him well I am sure.

I think it is meaningful that you wrote about your guilty "silence" in trying to manage socializing, spending time with loved ones and the desire to reach out via phone or otherwise. I can imagine that everyone on this blog fully understands the struggle you are up against in trying to keep all the balls in the air and at the same time concentrate on healing yourself. The problem is we all suffer from wanting to do more than our bodies and the 24 hour clock allow us to. It shows we are active participants in life and that is good! All of us striving to reach out, stay connected and show our friends and family that we care. And care we do...that you take care of you! The phone calls, the visits, the returning of emails can all wait until you have the strength again to add some more balls the juggling act. But for now, let that guilt go and be silent. Your body needs rest. Your minds needs to focus. And your heart will continue to be filled daily with all of us wishing you well and healing you the best way we know how through encouragement and love and the desire to see you through another day in your fight against cancer.

As you come up on your next round, don't talk yourself out of the fight. Talk yourself into the fight along with your chemo that is a great fighter, but not a fair fighter since it fights with poison. You are a fighter that fights with your mind, body and soul. Together I think your are a good team and are in this fight together for better or worse so start psyching yourself into the fact that you are working VERY hard, but for a very good cause.

I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART! AND all the bright yellow sunshine that I can shine on you (that picture I posted before was supposed to sit with this post, but my new Mac computer was being very uncooperative despite Jeff trying to run to the rescue.

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