Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Power of Sisters Continued...

Hi Alessandra and fellow bloggers (is that a word now?),

In separate emails I have sent directly to Alessandra I have shared with her that it has quickly become part of my morning routine to make coffee, pour a cup and then check-in to see if there are any updates on how our dear friend is doing. While it has taken me some time (and nerve) to actually post a note, I have been captivated by the outpouring of love and support for Alessandra and her family. Alessandra, you never cease to amaze me with the eloquence in your writing, even in the midst of such difficult times. You are truly loved and cared for, and so many of us are praying for you and wishing you strength and recovery.

Chiara, you sound as amazing as your sister! When Alessandra was working in Boston, she often spoke of you and missed you terribly. It is amazing that you are back together in the same city, and that you are helping her with this dreadful battle. Having two little girls myself (picture above), I can only hope that someday they will share the love that you two do, and that if the worst of times presents itself, they will be there for each other like you two are. I never had a sister, but seeing my two girls and hearing of your relationship, make me know that I missed something special in the incredible bond that can develop between female siblings. Now don’t get me wrong…my girls BATTLE like crazy. Right now the issues are crayons and Princess dolls…..maybe someday to be replaced by boys and clothing…but when it comes down to it, I hope they know they have each other and that they will always be there for one another, much like the two of you.

Speaking of which, my oldest is home on day #4 with the flu, so off I go to administer Ibuprofen and keep the little one away from her germs. Hang tough, Alessandra. Sorry to hear treatment #3 reared its ugly head a few days later than usual, but have faith that the medication is wiping the illness out of your system. Power of visualization.

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Very charmingly put, Karen. Chiara and Alessandra have been their own "neighborhood" for all the years they traveled to various countries with the family. That tends to form a very solid bond. It shows, doesn't it. LSC
