Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Katherine, I like the way you and your team think! Humor and vulgarity are a great match! I salute you and the "F#*&% You" to cancer!

Alessandra, I hope you made it through. I have a sneaky suspicion that your determination lead the way and that your yellow cape (or turquoise as the case may be-remember silence is a virtue, I hope you like it! ) saw you through your treatment and will swaddle you in the days to come as you experience the hideous affects of it.

Ok, so here comes the pep talk from your cuz! Last week I endured another spin class. Doyle was my instructor who had taught several classes that day so he taught mine from "off the bike" as they like to call it--always inspirational when someone is barking out orders, but not doing it themselves. I digress. Class was broken into three sections. The first section we were riding at incremental clips trying to continue to ride hard and strong despite our legs tiring over time. The music was helping push us along in the way that only electronica can put you in that pounding trance. And then as we were nearing exhaustion Doyle said now I want you to turn it up a notch, ride at your absolute max until the end of the song. And then, the music slowed. It became this lethargic, steam engine going up will with no steam beat. With that the wind was knocked out my sails. My legs slowed. My body stopped being relaxed and instead of being fluid everything tightened. I wanted to scream! I wanted to tell Doyle that his song choice really sucked and that I could have actually finished strong if he hadn't brought be down with his "you're getting very sleepy" music.

I continued class in much the same demeanor-wanting to yell at Doyle again when we were spinning our legs as fast as we could to fast paced Irish jig music on our descent from the big hill we had just finished climbing to electronica beats before. He reminded us we are on a VERY steep, long hill and I thought to myself...I didn't know you could bike down Everest!? Then along came the third section of just riding and this time it was African drumbeats. I felt at home. At ease. And like I could keep going like this forever. I went to my happy place!

So the moral of this story is there will always be something working against you, trying to pull you back, trying to slow you down, but it is up to you to fight back and regain focus on what you are trying to accomplish-the hill you are trying to climb. The road will seem long and endless, but it is a journey ,so you have to ride down the road. It is how you choose to use your mind to approach the road and ride its length that is up to you. But for God sake listen to good music on the ride-it can change everything. Throw out the Sting album that I know you love and put in Chumbawamba those 90's one hit wonders who sang the, "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never going to keep me down" song. Make the music powerful, invigorating and happy and you will get through!! I know you will Alessandra!

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