Thursday, February 12, 2009


Here are some real parrots! Spring may just be coming to the tropics as a flock of these paraqueets just zeroed in on a turpentine tree near the cottage. They love leafless trees as their bright green feathers mimic leaves, I think, and so they serve a pleasurable purpose. Julian, of course, with his huge knowledge of trivia will be able to give me the real reason, but I rather like mine. The only time you see them in the leafy trees is when there are some berries around or there is a hawk in the upper stratosphere. Such chattering and carrying on. What a discordant symphony! James will adore watching their zoomings through the garden. Fast little suckers!
The iguana population is sprouting too, much to the pleasure of Peanut and Cashew! I thought they had totally descimated the population last year within a mile radius of the house, but no! They found a really old codger the other day and proceeded to taunt him. God, are they hunters. Naughty. Teasers. Really skilled at attacking from all angles. Quite cruel. I rescued the old man and took him across Skyline drive to the bushes. I hope he has the good sense to find a new stomping ground and stay there. Nature amazes me. Have you seen a bird in the ivy in your patio? There should be a thrush in residence soon. Just a hint of warmer weather; a spring rain; Doesn't London get spring relatively early? Aren't all the old ladies out in their gardens cajoling seedlings upward so that they can be taken to the Chelsea Flower Show? Wishful thinking on my part. I guess I will just keep my bumbershoot and slicker at the ready so when you call me to come across the "pond", I shall be fully attired. Just like Christopher Robin! My those names have a familiar ring! Hugs, dearest one. LSC

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