Sunday, February 15, 2009

silver linings

It is about time I write a few unsolicited words on this blog, but I have been struggling with trying to find the moment. Along with Alessandra, I find everyone's comments so entertaining and heart-warming - a boost to anyone's morale.

Alessandra and I often talk about the curved ball that was thrown to her out of nowhere and about the silver linings that have evolved because of it. Over the years - many years - I have always found a silver lining, or more, after a storm. It may not always be obvious and it may not be immediate, but it always shows up.

She and I were talking about how lucky we are to be able to spend so much time together after
18 years. We see each other every day! And not only do I see her but I see Chiara and watch my grandson grow up before my eyes. How lucky is that! Now poor Julian may not feel that he has been that lucky with the constant presence of his mother-in-law but he is bearing up well
and so far has not taken away my key to their flat!

Other silver linings: Alessandra's hospital is a five minute walk from her flat. Some very old friends of ours from Denmark have let me use their flat when needed and the flat is but a 15-minute walk from Alessandra. When the bed is occupied other friends have offered another. True friends touch your heart in a way that is undescribable. As for friends! How lucky that Alessandra has the support and the love from all of you who write on the blog. A big hug to you Alexis for getting it all started! You are a silver lining and a star to boot!

There are many more silver linings out there and I shall keep you posted! Love from a very grateful mother

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