Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cancer Fight Tunes

Ok. The title needs work. But I'm still grooving on the idea of creating a mix of rockin' toones to support Alex in her ultimate workout. Alex's Aunt (I think I have that connection right...tag name LSC) took it to the next level -- this could ultimately be a tool that could be spread far and wide, all proceeds to benefit the cause. So, come on everyone, send me your favorite dance/workout tunes, and I'll start the compilation process. All you have to do is reply to this post and simply type the title, and artist if you know it. Any attached background stories are welcome but not required! We've got "I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again" by Chumbawumba. I'm going to add "Soul Sister" in honor of the sisterhood around Alex, and the sisterhood of breast cancer fighters. And I think we have to add "I Will Survive." Brings out the inner powerful Diva in all listeners, after all. All styles of hype are welcome!! - Lindsay


  1. I may date myself but here are some tunes that make me smile
    MAKE IT HAPPEN from Flashdance
    MAMMA MIA or anything by Aba

  2. What about the oldie (I don't know the title) that has the chorus, "'Cause I'm a woman, W O MAN. Gonna say it again."

  3. I thhink I'm really getting into this!
    How about Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire. Jai Ho, loosely translated means "May Victory Be Yours".

    What about "Pretty Woman"?

  4. Ooh, Jai Ho is a great tune. Here are a few I thought of...

    Your Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
    What a Feeling - Irene Cara
    Higher - Van Halen
    Chariots of Fire - Vangelis
    Beautiful Day - U2

  5. Yo Mary! Awesome! Chariots of Fire!!! That's one for Julian! Throw your head back and RUN!! And then TRY to take a deep breath!

  6. You're right about the title needing work Just begin with a word reversal - FFight Cancer Tunes. Frankly, I like the Boston contingent , Beat The Fucker. Tunes to Keep you UP!!! Or
    Doctor Danda's Dirty Dancin'....and so it goes. Work on it Lindsey .

  7. How about some cheerful jazz?

    Djangology - Stephan Grappelli
    Confirmation - Charlie Parker
    Blues for Alice - Charlie Parker
    Take the A train - Duke Ellington
    One note Samba - Stan Getz

    I have the mp3s of these ones, if you want. Also, check this out on Youtube: One note samba (scat singing) 1969 - Ella Fitgerald. She is amazing! I don't have this one, but if you can find it, it would be a great addition.
