Sunday, February 8, 2009

deep breaths!


Hope this day finds you well-what is it 5 days since your treatment? I am sure you have it down to the day, hour and minute until you know you are out of the woods and know that this round will not make you feel awful. God knows groggy and tired is better than nauseous.

Well, Jeff and I did indeed see our own snow this weekend in Tahoe. We skied Saturday for our first time this season and agreed that we were a year older and so were our bodies! I complained that my knees ached and after Jeff became a ping pong ball in some trees on one of our runs he felt some back aches later that night. What are you going to do?! 

Today we took it down a notch and went for the most beautiful snow shoe through some meadows at the top of a ridge. The peace and quiet and mostly people-less expanses were just the right way to end a weekend in the snow. I will post pics tomorrow, but we came upon a family of snowman along with the artist, her husband and their lab. Later on our--what does on call it--"shoe" we came upon another snow sculpture, but this time was a whale with mouth wide open. The excitement of coming upon all of this by happenstance made the day all the more special! But it was the beauty of the nature around us that left us with a sense of awe. Cold winds whipping in circles as they worked their way through our hair. The creaking of two trees supporting each other in the winds. A flock of birds sitting atop a grove of trees singing in perfect harmony. The hills of pine creating a backdrop for the trees that lay dormant in front. The scene was one that stays with you until the next time you head to the mountains.

I tell Jeff every weekend we are out in nature or on a run or on our bikes to breathe deeply because this the fresh air that will last you through the week. Indeed we took many deep breaths!

Danda, keep strong, stay positive and breathe deeply when you are able to leave the house again when your white blood cell count increases for those are the breaths that will get you through your next round.

Will post pics from the weekend tomorrow morning!


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