Thursday, February 5, 2009


DANDA! Eve and I must be on the same wave length thinking about sunshine. I took my camera out in the garden this AM. It was early. I love the third picture with the structure of the ferns so clearly visible. Rather like an Xray. The other fern frons with its tip curled up also seems to say, "ah, how warm the day will be".
I suggest that when the snow finally melts and the sun comes out you go into your patio and pretend to be a fern. As John Denver used to sing "Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!" The sun will come out. Trust me. You will feel it's warmth even on the coldest day when James's big pink cheeks turn apple red and he smiles at you and makes you feel all warm inside.
I can't wait to meet him. Meanwhile give him big kisses from LSC and BIGGER ONES TO YOU!

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