Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pretty in Pink

As I talk about you all the time to my family and friends, asking them to send you positive energy, you are in their thoughts as well as mine and I am so proud of you for continuing this fight. As proof of the energy coming your way, I wanted to share an example of how much you are in people's thoughts. My sister-in-law Jennifer (Jimmy's Wife), painted a painting for you and asked me to send it along as a gift from her. This was completely unsolicited from me by the way. I had no idea about it until she put it in my hands. So, it will be coming your way in the mail very soon. I've attached a couple of photographs of the painting so that you can have a sneak peek. The woman in the painting reminds of what you are going through. She wears her scarf on her head and pink ribbon around her neck proudly as a testiment to her strength in her fight against breast cancer. At the same time, she basks in the pink and the flowers and continues to be proud of being a strong woman although her body may not feel that way at times. So my friend, continue to be the amazing woman that you are. I love you and you will find this painting at your door soon. -Mary

1 comment:

  1. What a charming present. How totally warm. It should be made into a postcard and sold for the benefit of Breast Cancer research. LSC
