Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wonders of Nature

Well, I've finally gotten the guts to post here. You'd think writing for a living I wouldn't mind. (How's this for a silver lining - no reports to write!)

Upon reflecting on our recent family trip, where I thought of you frequently, I thought about what it was that I would wish I could collect. That would be the wonders of nature. A critically endangered blue iguana RIGHT THERE (after me for my coconut!). A soldier crab perched 3 feet in the air on top of a stick. The beauty of a baby green sea turtle's shell. A blow hole in the ancient coral shore, at sunset. A complex tropical flower. Petting stingrays in the wild ocean. Children.

And you, Alessandra. You and your body are a wonder of nature. Your strength and your fight - your ability to beat this fucker (to use your words). I feel certain that Dr. Plowman is right.

Love you,



  1. That is the most beautiful image of the turtle shell against the water! It is my new desktop image on my computer. Thank you for sharing. Looks like it was an adventure to say the least! Cute kids, by the way!
