Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fish, Fowl and Flesh?!

I will make this posting brief, but amusing. Ornithology (Ellen's daughter's favorite activity!), Mixology (unbelievable that there is an actual study of mixing drinks!) and now Indoor Zoology--this blog has it all! based on the past couple of postings For a laugh I thought I would share a recent trend that I have noticed in my collection of "things" as my friends like to call it. I know, we all have our own little collections. Alessandra and Lisa collect pears- Alessandra's are all petite and uniform and are kept at bay in a bowl. My mother's are in various shapes, sizes and material and scattered about. And I,...I apparently collect animals.

This would not be so odd if I lived in a big house and they were displayed throughout, but I live in a small apartment where they seem to rule the roost in my living room. I did not fully recognize this pattern of indoor animal collecting until my most recent purchase, with Jeff's consent of course, of some bronze duck topped fireplace tools. We found them on Ebay and low and behold there were only two other people who were also bidding for our treasure. We won and shortly there after they arrived and I was hit with my addiction. Attached below are my pictures of my fish, fowl and flesh.

My question is, has anyone else who has visited noticed this obsession of mine? Is this grounds for sending me to a farm to live out this animal fantasy of mine. OR should I just be sent to the loony bin altogether. This is one post that I don't think comments are necessary for I fear what the answer will be!

Love Lex

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