Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yes James, SPINACH!
"But Mummy, it is not really yummy."
O yes it is, James. Ever since Popeye downed his first batch, strength was his for the asking. Spinach makes you larger than life! It is full of nutrients, just ask Uncle Anthony. It grows sweaters on your teeth. It has oxalic acid in it, the ester or salt of which is used in cleaning agents. Now this makes no sense because when you eat spinach there is always one little piece that sticks between one of your front teeth. Ask your grandmother, it's true. When I was growing up spinach came in BIG leaves and when it was cooked it was nasty and stringy. My grandfather promply fixed that. He made creamed spinach with heavy cream and butter and salt and pepper and always a touch of nutmeg. You must learn what herbs and spices enhance the worst tastes. Anyway, creamed spinach became a favorite. Now Baby spinach is all the rage. Little leaves piled high on a pretty plate. Douse them with a citrus viagrette and throw on some bacon bits (big sin!) and perhaps some thinly sliced orange and a little red onion. With all those drapings you forget it is SPINACH! So slurp on, little one! Eat your spinach and then the next time you are in your bath with your rubber duckies, poop. You want to see Gran levitate?
Spinach is REALLY good stuff! LSC

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