Monday, February 2, 2009

Keep strong and fear not we are with you!


I love your picture! Snow in London! Such a rarity no wonder it brought you and Julian back to your Boston days. Good news is there is no shoveling out your car from the snow that piles up overnight during such dustings! It is only nature there for you to enjoy and admire. Keep warm!

I truly sympathize with your apprehension for your next round of chemo. There is nothing that sounds fun about it. I guess the only thing that you can force your mind to tell your body and soul is that ironically this is meant to make you better. And if you can tough it out, it just might. Don't be afraid...mummy, Chiara and Julian will be there to hold you. And Babbo, Nanny and all your friends and family afar will be sending you positive vibes for a speedy recovery from this round.

If you can take this image with you as you undergo the next treatment. It is by a local San Francisco artist who I love, Eric Zener. He paints large scale images that focus mostly on women in water. I find his images to be calm and peaceful because of the woman under water, but powerful at the same time as she pushes off from the wall and exhales her air in order to propel herself through the water. The woman reminds me of you. Maybe think back to swimming in Cooperstown in the lake or the pool with that blue green water, but on a warm summer's day where the water temperature was just warm enough to keep you in for hours.

Be strong!! Propel yourself through and you will come out on the other side a little closer to the end of these treatments. I LOVE YOU immensely! I will be thinking of you...


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