Sunday, February 22, 2009


Dearest Danda
Let's reverse gears and return to some of the "collections" we all shared. I collect odd little books between whose pages are musings by others far more erudite and talented than myself. The pages more often than not speak to relatively deep things - vices, virtues or vanities. One such dog-eared, water stained treasure is titled WORDS TO LIVE BY - a Treasury of Inspiration and Wisdom Selected and Interpreted by 84 Eminent Men and Women. It was published in 1948 and much that is found between its covers is "spot on" today. Page 140 begins with ON PEACE OF MIND by Joshua Loth Liebman - a clergyman and author -

Once, as a young man full of exuberant fancy, I undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged "goods" of life...........I set down my inventory of earthly desirables: health, love, beauty, talent, power, riches and fame...........I proudly showed it to a wise elder who had been the mentor and spiritual model of my youth. "This," I told him confidently, "is the sum of mortal goods. Could a man possess them all, he would be as a god."

At the corners of my friend's old eyes, I saw wrinkles of amusement gathering in a patient net. "An excellent list," he said pondering it have omitted the most important element of all. You have forgotten the one ingredient, lacking which each possession becomes a hideous torment." With a pencil stub he crossed out my entire schedule..........and wrote down three syllables: peace of mind. "This is the gift that God reserves for His special proteges", he said.

"Talent and beauty He gives to many. Wealth is commonplace, fame not rare. but peace of the fondest insignia of His love".......He scanned the doubt on my forhead. "this is no private opinion of mine, he explained. "I am merely paraphrasing from the Psalmists, Marcus Aurelius and Lao-tse. 'God', says each of these wise ones, 'heaps worldly gifts at the feet of foolish men. But on my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity. Give me the gift of the Untroubled Mind.'"

If I could find this "fondest insignia of His love", I would stamp it on your forehead in indelible ink. Unfortunately, we have to find it for ourselves, but believe me, I pray daily that it can be yours. LSC

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