Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ding, ding, ding... Round #3 is on...

I am lying here in bed, 24 hours after my chemo cocktail, and while not wanting to jinx things too much, I am feeling so much better than I felt in round #2. My docs remind me that the effects can take days, and waver from one to the next, but heck, so far, this round #3 is mine for the taking. I am feeling whoozy but not too nauseous, and just deeply, deeply tired. Mum bravely gave me the shot in my leg to help those white cells keeping producing more white cells, and so I anticipate the aching bones will kick in soon.... but that pain is LIFE in the making, so bring it on. More shots and blood work next week. Was told that I won't be scanned again until the end of my 6 cycles which finish in April. My oncologist felt that my breast had shrunk so significantly that there was no need to put me under more x-rays at this point... the proof was in just looking at me (and might I add some breast fondling?!?) My lymph node has made lesser strides over the past couple of weeks, although still getting smaller, but as Juian reminds me, my lymph nodes are my garbage removers, so they are full of the boob detritus that is having to leave my chest. I am fighting evey minute, and I believe that I can do this, through all the many ups and downs. Yes, so far, Round #3 is mine.

Talking about strength, James is squealing with delight in the background, as he plays with Mum. He now sits up (proof in the picture above!) and loves the bouncer that hangs in our doorway - Duracell Bunny watch your back.... He fuels up on pureed carrots, zucchini, pears, apples, bananas, rice cereal (peas are on the menu tomorrow). His thighs are tree trunks ready to break into a run, his shoulders are broad like his fathers, and his blue eyes melt me with their twinkling. He scrinkles his nose when he smiles, and there is enough strength in his laughs and in his silent "I love you's" to get you through anything. I am the luckiest mother on the planet.

Thank you for the rainbows, the sunshine, the artwork of women in water, the magic of the number "3", and all of the many good wishes and giggles that wash over me in both calm and determination. I love them all. I love you all.

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