Monday, February 16, 2009


The goat would like to know if his kisses count as germy ones. The horse...well...I added that one by accident and couldn't figure out how to remove it. And in the name of humor...
Knock knock. Who's there? The interrupting cow. The interrupt -- MMMOOOOO!!!!!!!

Why did the turtle cross the road? Because he was stapled to the chicken.

What is the difference between ooh and aah? About three inches. (side bar -- I only felt safe adding this one to the list thanks to the rousing response to Chiara's strip tease. Well, ok, it wasn't exactly Chiara's strip tease...)

Where do you put a dog who has been barking in the road? In the barking lot!!! (That's a favorite at my daughter's preschool.)
I'm quite sure you all can do better. Bring it on!!!
Lots of love - Lindsay

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