Sunday, February 8, 2009


Dear Alex,

We're so glad that you are feeling better after Round 3!!! What an inspiration you are to me. I think of you constantly and I remember the poster you had hanging in your various rooms over the years, "Live Gently and with Fire". I think of that poster and how you continue to live your life gracefully, and with such passion. As you fight on, I hope that you are gentle and kind to yourself and passionate about your life. I know you will prevail.

We're doing well over here. It was a balmy 50 degrees in Boston today and I gleefully watched the snow melt as I enjoyed a mellow Sunday of cleaning. I cannot wait for springtime!!! We've been busy with wedding stuff a lot of weekends and next weekend we'll head to Maine to enjoy Valentines weekend skiing.

I'm a bit of a louse with this technical stuff, it's embarassing, but I'll post pics. soon that I think may bring a smile to your face. We are with you in your fight. Much love,


1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thank you for the instructions Alexis, I needed the help. I feel lucky to be part of the group of people who know and love Alex. I met Alex about 17 years ago in Bristol and have heard so much about her wonderful friends and family. It is nice now, during this journey, to be connected to all of you! Of course we always have been, through Alex that is, but it is good to be officially here! We are fighting here in San Francisco every minute of everyday.
    We love you Alex and will sleep a bit better hearing your news about round 3. Love, Lisa
